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Blog: OCSC Recommends Refinements to Emergency Operations Plans
The Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor filed comments January 4 in response to the proposed rules.
OCSC Recommends Consumer Cost Protections for Temporary Emergency Generators
OCSC recommended that affected parties receive sufficient time to review expenses for mobile generation units.
Demand Growth from Data Centers, Crypto Operations Continue Vexing Grid Planners
How much power will artificial intelligence facilities consume over the long term? How should ERCOT handle that demand?
PUC Adopts Reliability Standard for ERCOT, Orders Increase to Value of Lost Load
The new standard is intended to give the agency better visibility going forward on the ERCOT system’s reliability needs.
Oncor Credits Increased Rates, Customer Growth, Other Factors for 3Q Revenue Increase
Oncor reports a $60 million revenue increase in its latest quarterly financial report.
Blog: OCSC Urges Utility Ratepayer Protections in Broadband Expansion
Ratepayer-financed utility lines will be leased out to private companies to expand broadband service.
Blog: Summer Energy Consumption, Renewable Use on the Rise in Texas
ERCOT CEO reports energy consumption in June nearly 1 percent higher than consumption during June 2019.
Legislative Recommendations: Billions More for Energy Fund, Transmission Cost Changes
A Texas Senate committee issues energy-related recommendations in advance of the 89th Legislative Session.
Public Counsel Courtney Hjaltman Appointed to Serve as PUC Commissioner
With Ms. Hjaltman’s appointment, the five-member PUC now has all of its commission seats filled.