Of bills that received approval during the most recent Texas legislative session, about 70 pertain to the Texas Public Utility Commission and its regulatory activities.


Lawmakers during the recently-concluded legislative session filed more than 250 bills relating to energy, ERCOT, and the Public Utility Commission. Of those bills receiving approval, about 70 related to PUC operations and 20 directly bear on ERCOT operations. The Texas Legislature this year also authorized the PUC’s baseline appropriation’s request, plus an additional $19 million for PUC staff and staff retention, the launch of the agency’s new Office of Public Engagement, and increased efforts around market data analytics and energy efficiency.

On July 19, PUC staff filed a memo outlining the agency’s legislative rulemaking efforts. We summarize those rulemaking activities, below. We also have reprinted information from the PUC website regarding the agency’s rulemaking process and how the public may participate in it. More information can be found on the PUC website, under Project #55156.

— R.A. Dyer