The OCSC has prepared an update that summarized weatherization rulemaking.
Power sector weatherization is required under new omnibus legislation adopted in response to February’s statewide outages.
Although still incomplete, legislatively mandated weatherization rules for Texas generators and wires companies should be finalized and in force in time for the next winter season.
That’s the word from state regulators, who expect to release draft rules on the issue this week. Power sector weatherization is required under new omnibus legislation — Senate Bill 3 (SB 3) — which lawmakers adopted in response to February’s statewide outages. Gov. Greg Abbott signed SB 3 into law on June 8, and since then the Texas Public Utility Commission has rushed to implement the bill’s weatherization provisions before a statutory deadline in early December.
Under the new law, power companies within the ERCOT region must protect their critical facilities against extreme weather or face fines of up to $1 million per day. The Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor has released a new regulatory update that describes the weatherization provisions of SB 3 and the steps the PUC has taken to implement them. You can find the update, here.