by OCSC | Jun 19, 2021 | News Roundup
Houston Chronicle (Commentary): If Texas will not regulate methane emissions, then the feds must June 16 — The oil and natural gas deposits in the Permian Basin are millennia older than the states of Texas and New Mexico, which today sit on top of them. The...
by OCSC | Apr 30, 2021 | News Roundup
Fox 4: Oncor requests nearly $100 million in rate hikes April 27 — “Cities are looking after residential and commercial rate payers. It is the cities who protect rate payers to greatest degree,” said Don Knight, Dallas city attorney. — READ MORE ...
by OCSC | Mar 7, 2018 | Blog
Responding to requests from regulators, Texas electric and gas utilities have begun filing paperwork showing how they’ll pass along savings from millions of dollars in new tax cuts. The Texas Public Utility Commission and the Texas Railroad Commission both called for...
by OCSC | Feb 13, 2018 | Blog
Gas and electric ratepayers in Texas could see their utility bills go down — or at least not increase as much as they might have otherwise — as a result of tax legislation recently adopted by the U.S. Congress. Leaders at both the Texas Public Utility Commission and...
by OCSC | Jun 15, 2017 | Blog
In Texas, gas utilities already reporting excessive profits frequently seek permission to charge their customers even more. But rather than rejecting those requests outright, regulators often green light them with almost no questions asked. That dramatic finding,...