by OCSC | Feb 5, 2024 | Blog, ERCOT, Generation
During a January 30 hearing, the state’s highest court heard oral arguments from lawyers for the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Calpine Corp., and Luminant. The implications of the lawsuit are immense. ________________________________________________ A lawsuit...
by OCSC | Sep 14, 2020 | Blog, ERCOT, Generation, Utility News
A company error led to a massive wholesale power price spike. ________________________________________________ A multi-million-dollar regulatory complaint against ERCOT and relating to a massive wholesale power price spike has been dismissed by Texas...
by OCSC | Aug 14, 2019 | Blog, Generation
More typically, real-time prices remain below $30 and only on two other occasions in grid history have they reached the $9,000 cap. Real-time energy prices in ERCOT surged to the $9,000-megawatt-hour cap on Tuesday, the result of triple-digit temperatures...
by OCSC | Oct 12, 2017 | Blog
You flip a switch, your lights come on. The more power you use, the bigger your bill. It sounds simple and it is — and yet just below the surface lurks a tangle of engineering constraints, big-moneyed interests and a fantastically complex wholesale power market. And...