New Concierge Services in Free Market dispute with Texas Electric Retailers. ________________________________________________ New “concierge” websites have begun crying foul at what they call unfair treatment by retail electric providers — and the thorny...
New report details the history of the Oncor Cities Steering Committee. Under state law, city governments and the Texas Public Utility Commission share regulatory authority over monopoly electric utilities. Cities typically band together in coalitions to exercise their...
PUC regulators says third-party vendors promising help with program enrollment may be scammers. ______________________________________________ Beware third-party scammers! That’s the word from Texas regulators, who say unscrupulous vendors have begun targeting...
Under the emergency order, distressed residential consumers can avoid non-payment disconnections by agreeing to have their bills deferred during the COVID-19 crisis. ________________________________________________ Financially distressed Texans who otherwise face...
“Solar is the big story here.” — Bill Magness, ERCOT Chief Operating Officer ________________ Solar power and plenty of it — that’s what’s in store for Texas in the not-too-distant future, according to a top official with the state’s primary power grid. “Solar...