Question of Correcting Wholesale Electricity Prices Divides Texas House and Senate. ________________________________________________ The February 15–19 ice storm that left more than 4 million Texans without power continues to roil the political waters in Austin....
USA Today: ‘An electrical island’: Texas has dodged federal regulation for years by having its own power grid Feb. 17 — The grid has been thrust into the national spotlight as extreme energy demand and overloaded frozen utility plants contributed to...
Texas was roiled by similar rolling outages almost 10 years ago exactly. Then, as now, a punishing cold snap caused electricity use to spike even as several plants went off line. ________________________________________________ What happened and why? This week’s...
Battery storage, transmission siting and potentially expensive regulatory changes — these utility-related issues and others are included in bills now pending before the Texas Legislature. _______________________________________________ Here’s a quick update...
The PUC also seeks guidance pertaining to a looming shortfall in a rural telecommunications fund. ________________________________________________ Analysts expect tens of thousands of new electric vehicles on the road within the next decade — and with them, an influx...
Lawmakers already have filed more than 700 House bills and 200 Senate bills — including several relating energy and ratepayer issues. ________________________________________________ The 2021 regular session of the Texas Legislature begins in just a few weeks....